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Unsanctioned Dossier: Astra Militarum Fireteams


Table of Contents

    With the release of the 3rd edition of Kill Team, the old Compendium teams were retired. And rightfully so as (almost) all of them have been supplanted by bespoke teams in some form or fashion. For those who don't know what Compendium teams are, they were a set of rules that allowed you to field a Kill Team using the models you already had from the Warhammer 40k range. They were a great way to get into Kill Team without having to buy a new box set. You would assembled "Fireteams" out of units, and a whole Kill Team would be 2 - 3 fireteams combined. The caveat is they were very plain and didn't have the same depth as the bespoke teams. And since there are now 33 bespoke teams, there's hardly a need to continue with the compendium teams.

    One exception to this I think is the Imperial Guard Kill Team. It was comprised of two fire teams, of which there were only two options: Guardsmen and Tempestus Scions. Running 2 Guardsman Fireteams is the same as running a boring version of Death Korps (formerly Veteran Guard). It's the same stats, but none of the specialty operators or abilities. They even have the same Guardsman Orders that the Death Korps had, albeit without the free action. Running 2 Tempestus Scion Fireteams is the same as running a boring version of the Kasrkin. Again, same stats, but none of the specialty operators or abilities.

    However, there was also the option to run a Killteam comprised of 1 Guardsman Fireteam and 1 Tempestus Scion Fireteam together. Which is not really represented in the bespoke teams; the closest would be the Inquisitorial Agents with the requisitioned Tempestus Scions.
    Playing the combo of Fireteams still lacks most of the specialty operators and abilities that the bespoke teams have, but since both Fireteams have different play styles, it provides an interesting way to play. The Scions have the strength to operate semi-independently, while the Guardsmen are more reliant on each other but make up for it with a higher body count.

    Furthermore, the Tempestus Scion datacards are still present in 3rd edition as part of the Inquisitorial Agents team. So we don't have to worry about stat balancing. The main things that need to be addressed are Equipment -since that was completely overhauled in 3rd edition- and Strategy/Firefight ploys.

    One of the biggest sweeping changes of 3rd edition was the nomenclature cleanup. As there was way too much confusion in the rules due to things being too similarly worded. (i.e. If it says movement, does a "Dash" count as movement or is it specifically a "Movement" action?) The Imperial Guard compendium team has a similar problem with there being "Guardsman" and "Scions" who are both "Imperial Guard." So for this, I'm renaming the team as a whole to "Astra Militarum."

    Note: "GUARDSMAN" refers only to members of the Guardsman fireteam, "TEMPESTUS SCION" refers only to members of the Tempestus Scion fireteam. "ASTRA MILITARUM" refers to both.

    Through Fire and Ash

    Tempestor Kaine surveyed the burning remains of their Valkyrie through Volkus's ash-choked sky. The wreckage had barely cooled when they'd picked up the las-fire exchange. Through his magnoculars, he watched seven Guardsmen holding a defensive position around a promethium pipeline junction. Their tactics spoke of hard-won experience - the kind that came from surviving when others didn't.

    "Harok," he addressed his comms specialist, "anything from Command?"

    "Negative, sir. Tau interference is getting stronger. Has to be coming from somewhere close."

    Gunners Toryn and Marten maintained overlapping fields of fire while Trooper Vess checked sight lines. They'd lost half their squad in the crash, but they still had a mission: locate and eliminate the Tau teams threatening the maglev trains feeding the Massif Ballistus. The Great Gun could crack moons like eggs - exactly why the xenos wanted it silenced.

    Below, the Guardsmen's sniper made another impossible shot, dropping a Tau Pathfinder at extreme range. Their gunner's suppressing fire kept the xenos' heads down while four troopers maintained a disciplined defense pattern. Their comms specialist worked frantically at a jury-rigged vox unit.

    "Sir," Harok cut in, "intercepted Guard frequencies. They've lost their command structure. Holding position until new orders arrive."

    Kaine watched another wave of Tau fire pepper their position. The Guardsmen's discipline was impressive, but without leadership, they'd eventually be overwhelmed. His own mission needed every gun it could get.

    "Move in. Marten, Toryn - suppress those flankers. Vess, with me. Harok, get ready to coordinate frequencies."

    The Scions struck like lightning. Hot-shot las-fire scythed through the Tau squad, their precision making each shot count. The Guardsmen below, veterans that they were, immediately adjusted their fire to complement the new support.

    Once the last Tau fell, Kaine approached the defensive position. The Guardsmen's comms specialist, gear covered in makeshift repairs, snapped to attention. "Sir! Corporal Yaren, Volkus 31st. We've been holding this junction since—"

    "At ease, Corporal. Status report."

    "Seven survivors, sir. Sniper Kells, Gunner Tase, and four troopers. We've been keeping the blues off this pipeline junction, but they keep coming. Lost our sergeant three hours ago."

    Kaine nodded, noting their worn but professionally maintained gear, their disciplined positioning. There was a certain look to soldiers who'd outlived their own life expectancy - he saw it in every face before him.

    "By the authority of the Militarum Tempestus, I'm requisitioning your unit. We have intelligence on a priority target, likely the source of the vox interference. More importantly, it's probably the command post coordinating these strikes on the Defence Cannon."

    The Guardsmen traded looks. They knew what incorporation into a Tempestus mission meant - higher casualties, deeper insertion, worse odds. But they also knew the stakes. The Defence Cannon had to be protected at all costs.

    Yaren chambered a fresh charge pack. "Ready to serve, sir. The 31st doesn't run from a fight."

    Kaine activated his tactical display. "Harok, sync vox frequencies. Kells, get up high - I want oversight on our approach vector. Tase, you and your opposite numbers will coordinate firing solutions."

    They moved into the ruins like shadows. They had twelve guns, borrowed time, and a critical mission. It would have to be enough.

    Behind them, the massive silhouette of the Volkus' Massif Ballistus rose above the industrial haze, its barrel aimed at the stars - a constant reminder of what they were fighting to protect.

    Operative Selection

    Archetypes: Security, Seek&Destroy


    1 Tempestus Scions TEMPESTOR operative with one of the following options:


    4 Tempestus Scions operatives selected from the following list:

    * You cannot select more than 2 of these operatives.


    7 Guardsman operatives selected from the following list:

    * You cannot select more than 3 of these operatives.


    Astra Militarum
    Faction Equipment
    Personal Medikits

    In the Guard, survival wasn't a skill taught in training camps - it was earned in graves.

    All ASTRA MILITARUM operatives have access to the following action:
    Field Ministration Protocols
    • Select one friendly ASTRA MILITARUM operative within this operative's control range to regain 2d3 lost wounds.
    • An operative cannot be targeted by this ability more than once per battle.
    • This operative cannot perform this action while with control range of an enemy operative.
    Astra Militarum
    Faction Equipment
    Combat Blades

    Scion war-blades are forged in ceremony. Guardsman's blades are forged in necessity. Both are baptized in blood.

    Friendly ASTRA MILITARUM operatives have the following melee weapon. Whenever a friendly TEMPESTUS SCION operative is using it, add +1 to its Atk stat.
    Combat Blade34+3/4
    Astra Militarum
    Faction Equipment
    Long Range Scope

    The scope is a tool. The eye behind it is a weapon.

    Whenever a friendly Tempestus Scion operative is shooting an operative more than 6" from it, in the Roll Attack Dice step, if you retain any critical successes, its hot-shot weapons (excluding hot-shot laspistol) have the Saturate weapon rule.
    Astra Militarum
    Faction Equipment
    Vox Auto-Relay

    Orders mean nothing if they don't reach the line. Distance is no longer an excuse.

    Whenever a Guardsman Order is issued, a Tempestus Scion Comms operative can spend 1APL to relay the order to the Guardsman Comms operative. (Who can spend 1APL to issue the order to all Guardsman operatives as normal. Meaning neither Comms operator needs to be near the Tempestor to relay orders.)

    Faction Rules

    Astra Militarum
    Faction Rule
    Joint Op

    The Departmento Munitorum classifies Scions and Guard as fundamentally different fighting forces. On the killing fields, this distinction becomes their greatest asset, as each magnifies the other's combat potential.

    STRATEGIC GAMBIT and SUPPORT. A friendly Astra Militarum Tempestor operative can issue a JOINT OP. Whenever it does, select one JOINT OP for all Tempestus Scions to receive along with all Guardsmen within 6" of the Tempestor.

    Whenever a friendly operative receives a JOINT OP, apply its rules until the end of the turning point.

    Astra Militarum
    Faction Rule
    Joint Op
    Suppressing Fire

    Guardsman operatives: Ranged weapons of Guardsman operatives have the Balanced weapon rule.

    Tempestus Scion operatives: Whenever a Tempestus Scion operative that's received this order is performing the Reposition action, add 1" to its Move stat.

    Astra Militarum
    Faction Rule
    Joint Op
    Flanking Fire

    Guardsman operatives: Whenever an operative is shooting a friendly Guardsman operative that's received this order, if you can retain any cover saves, you can re-rol one of your defence dice.

    Tempestus Scion operatives: Whenever a Tempestus Scion operative is shooting a ready enemy operative, its ranged weapons have the Severe weapon rule.

    Astra Militarum
    Faction Rule
    Joint Op
    Draw Fire

    Guardsman operatives: Whenever an operative that's received this order is performing the Reposition action, add 1" to its Move stat.

    Tempestus Scion operatives: Whenever a friendly Tempestus Scion operative is fighting, retaliating, or being shot at, the first time an attack dice inflicts Normal Dmg of 4 or more on this operative during that sequence, that dice inflicts less damage on it.

    Astra Militarum
    Faction Rule
    Joint Op
    Pincer Attack

    Guardsman operatives: Melee weapons of operatives that received this order have the Balanced weapon rule

    Tempestus Scion operatives: Add 1 to the Atk stat of friendly Tempestus Scion operatives' melee weapons (to a maximum of 4).

    Strategy Ploys

    Astra Militarum
    Strategy Ploy
    Special Forces

    Select one mission action (ex: Pick Up) friendly TEMPESTUS SCION operatives can perform. Until the end of the Turning Point, each time a friendly TEMPESTUS SCION operative is activated, it can perform that action for one less AP (to a minimum of 0AP).

    Astra Militarum
    Strategy Ploy
    Form Up

    SUPPORT. Select one friendly Astra Militarum operative that’s more than 3” from enemy operatives. Each other friendly Astra Militarum operative within 5” of that operative and not within control range of enemy operatives can immediately perform a free Dash action in an order of your choice.

    Guardsman operatives must end that move closer to that operative. Tempestus Scions operatives are exempt from this rule.

    Note that a Comms Device from universal equipment only affects the second distance of this rule.

    Firefight Ploys

    Astra Militarum
    Firefight Ploy
    Bring it down!

    Use this Tactical Ploy after a friendly Astra Militarum operative makes a shooting attack. Until the end of the Turning Point, each time another friendly Astra Militarum operative makes a shooting attack against the target of that shooting attack, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that subsequent shooting attack, you can re-roll any or all of your attack dice.

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