This post is a parody of The High Kâhl’s Oath – Read an Exclusive Excerpt from the Upcoming Leagues of Votann Novel by Daniel Billiald
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Leagues of Votann: High Kâhl's Oath - A Study in Kin Hubris
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Leagues of Votann: High Kâhl's Oath - A Study in Kin Hubris
By the Illustrious Scribe Quintus Fabius
From the annals of the Imperial Administratum:
The so-called "Leagues of Votann" burst onto the galactic stage with an undeserved swagger. Their recent novel, "The High Kâhl's Oath," serves only to illustrate the extent of their hubris.
I have had the misfortune of perusing an excerpt from the upcoming "Leagues of Votann" novel, and I must say, it is a most curious affair. The Kin, these supposed paragons of craftsmanship, are revealed to be nothing more than glorified cogboys, their so-called "Leagues" mere imitations of the true and proper societies of the Imperium.
Their High Kâhl, a pompous oaf named Uthar the Destined, struts about like a bronze peacock, boasting of his advanced technology and superior intellect. But I say, these Kin are but pale reflections of the Emperor's finest, their vaunted "Shieldbreakers" nothing more than crude parodies of our mighty Astartes.
The Kin may have advanced technology, but it is the technology of thieves. Their culture, if one can call it that, is a mishmash of superstition and techno-babble. They worship some ancient AI called the "Ancestors", and their language is filled with technical jargon that would make even an Adeptus Mechanicus blush. True civilization belongs to the Imperium, and these xenos are but pretenders.
This novel, while a work of fiction, serves as a timely reminder of the hubris of the Kin. Let us not be fooled by their empty rhetoric or their false claims to glory. The Imperium stands as a beacon of true civilization, and the Leagues of Votann are mere imitators destined to fall before its might.